SPECTRUM - The UK Museum Documentation Standard
This comprehensive new publication from the MDA has been developed in
partnership with more than seventy contributors from over fifty museums
and galleries across the British Isles.
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"spamming" or not. Individuals can request information directly, from:
        MDA, Lincoln House, 347 Cherry Hinton Road,
        Cambridge CB1 4DH, UK.
        Tel:    +44 223 242848
        Fax:    +44 223 213575
        E-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Tony Gill                              e-mail: [log in to unmask]
 Technical Outreach Manager
 Museum Documentation Association
 Lincoln House, 347 Cherry Hinton Road,     Tel:    +44 223 242848
 Cambridge CB1 4DH, UK                      Fax:    +44 223 213575