On Fri, 16 Sep 1994, Bayla Singer wrote:
> The hefty charge ($15/mo adds up to $180/yr) will keep me, at least, away
> from Compuserv's 'service'.  That may please some folks, but I would sure
I am responding to the list to correct some of Bayla's figures.
CompuServe costs 8.95 a month using the standard pricing plan.  When you
go into a pay forum, you are charged an hourly rate based on your connect
speed.  14.4 is 9.60/hr.  Software is available which can significantly
reduce the amount of time you have to spend in a forum to get what you
need.  Compuserve Information Manager allows you to compose, read or
reply messages offline.  This  software can also provide you with an
intuitive GIU that allows you to quickly navigate between forums and
message bases.
I have found Compuserve to be an excellent resource, the number of
forums, message bases, and file labraries is mind-boggling.  I do not
recommend it for Internet access - no FTP or TELNET, etc. just e-mail
which you are billed for when you receive it... so a mailing list like
this would be very expensive to get there.  (You do get a $9.00/mo mail
allowance, after that you get billed).
Bayla, I would recommend that you look for another Internet service
provider.  I use a local provider which provides 50hours/mo, unlimited
access (FTP, WWW, TELNET... etc) for $20.00/mo.  These commercial
Internet service providers are popping up everywhere.  Also, lots of
BBS's are getting Internet gateways with varying levels of access.
Mark C. Vang
Exhibit Technician
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