In the Natural History Museum in London UK is an exhibition called Plant
Power. It explores the significance and impact of plants on human history
and culture. 22 plants are focused on, each one graphically illustrated with
supporting text including quotations.
One of the plants exemplified is the humble Potato, we are now looking to
revise this part of the exhibit and I'm interested to know if anyone can
suggest a short quotation (2-3 lines)which would highlight an aspect of its
significance[spelling lessons from vice presidents excluded]?
All suggestions gratefully recieved.
Regards Bob Bloomfield
Dr Robert M Bloomfield
Manager Exhibition Research and Design
Dept. Exhibitions and Education
The Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road, LONDON SW7 5BD
Tel +44 [0](1)71 938 8926
Fax +44 [0](1)71 938 8881
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