In response to the question of "What is Netnews", here is a summary from
the Whole Internet User's Guide and Catalog:
"Network news is the Internet equivalent of a discussion group or a
"bulletin board system" (BBS) like those on Compuserve or private dial-up
facilities. To the user, network news organizes discussions under a set of
broad headings called newsgroups. A newsreading program presents those
discussion in an orderly way: a menu of classical music discussions,
followed by a menu of pencil collecting discussions, followed by a menu of
chemical engineering items, etc. Inside each newsgroup, there are usually
multiple discussions going on under specific subjects. In the classical
music newsgroup, you might see discussions of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony,
breaking in reeds for an oboe, and Bach's children. ...Once the newsreader
has shown you what articles are available for any topic, you can select and
read the items that interest you. If you forget where you have seen
something, you can search for an article based on its author, subject, or
an author-given synopsis."
Not everyone can or will be affected. Those with access to UNIX-based
machines may already be using Netnews. In the case of a gateway for
Museum-L, all postings to Museum-L will go to the Newsgroup. Those using
Netnews can followup to discussions, which will go to the e-mail group, or
Newnews readers can reply directly to the person who posted a message.
I hope this clarifies matters a bit. So far, the reponse has been positive,
and I hope to move forward soon to get the gateway established.
--john chadwick
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