Apropos the recent discussion about the appropriateness and content of
course notices, here's a course notice that I am cross-posting from TAXACOM,
for those interested in the content. For those interested in commenting
further on the appropriateness of course ads, here's an example on which to
lay some comments. DON'T blame Tim. Blame me if you think it's inappropriate
to post this on MUSEUM-L. Peter
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On Mon, 5 Sep 1994 17:16:30, Tim Dickinson <[log in to unmask]>
posted a note about a Herbarium Workshop June 1995
to multiple recipients of list TAXACOM
The Education and Training Committee of the Society for the
Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC) is offering a
discipline-specific workshop entitled
              Managing the Modern Herbarium
                    June 5 and 6, 1995
                        in Toronto
The workshop will immediately follow the SPNHC 10th anniversary
annual conference, which is being held at the Royal Ontario Museum
in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 3-4, 1995.
This workshop is designed for all those concerned with the
maintenance of botanical or mycological collections.  Through
instruction, focused discussion, hands-on participation, and
publication, the program will strive to:
- promote dialogue on conservation and collection management issues,
solutions and resources;
- establish a discipline consensus on
policies and procedures for the uses of collections in molecular
research, with emphasis on extant collections and the making of new
- exhibit and demonstrate a range of specimen
preparation and field techniques;
- facilitate communication among
institutions and professional societies.
A preliminary list of topics includes: adhesives, bar-coding, care
of botanical prints and illustrations, collecting techniques,
cryo-preservation, destructive sampling, papers, pest management,
specimen preparation, storage...
Reserve these dates, and look for a detailed announcement in your
society newsletters in the fall.
For input, or for more information contact:    Deborah Metsger
                                               Department of Botany
                                               Royal Ontario Museum
                                               100 Queen's Park
                                               Toronto, Ontario
                                               Canada M5S 2C6
email: [log in to unmask]   fax: (416) 586-5516
(SPNHC) is a multidisciplinary organization composed of individuals
who are interested in development and preservation of natural
history collections.  Natural history collections include specimens
and supporting documentation, such as audio-visual materials,
labels, library materials, field data, and similar archives.
Preservation refers to any direct or indirect activity providing
continued and improved care of these collections and supporting
documents.  The Society actively encourages the participation of
individuals involved with all aspects of natural history