On  Fri, 2 Sep 1994 16:57:09, Terry Vidal <[log in to unmask]> said:
> Although I accept
> that change is the norm, do we have to change the chemistry of this group by
> making it a public access forum?
MUSEUM-L _is_ a public access forum already. _Anyone_ can post a message
(sorry to be repeating myself, but if we're going to make choices, let's
do it on the basis of facts). _Anyone_ can SUBscribe to the list.
Thinking back, thank the Spirits that many new people have joined this
list during the past nine months or so; there were a number of pretty dry
years when this list was relatively inactive. Can't say that any more.
Think what might happen to us if lots of other people all of a sudden get
really interested in posting inquiries and comments, poking us in the ribs,
challenging us, giving us more to think about. We should be so lucky!