I subscribe to this list in order to glean information that might be
useful to me personally as well as those I serve.  The latter include
people working in local historical societies, museums, libraries, etc. as
well as students and others on the brink of entering the
museum world as volunteers and/or part of the work force.  I find such
announcements on the list quite valuable, and hope that others do too.
John M. Harris [log in to unmask] Local History Services (317) 232-4591
(work) Indiana Historical Society (317) 233-3109 (FAX)
On Sat, 3 Sep 1994, Joy Davis wrote:
> The recent comments regarding the fine line between conservation advice and
> commercial messages prompts me to enquire about the appropriateness of course
> announcements. Is the Museum-L a suitable place to post information on
> professional development courses and programs? Are people interested in such
> postings? How much detail is appropriate or desired?