The President's Committee on the Arts and the Humanities -- made up of 32
artists and moguls from Quincy Jones to Isaac Stern to the CEO's of Warner
Bros. and American Express, as well as designated reps from each Cabinet
Department and the heads of the Smithsonian and Library of Congress -- is
very interested in "cultural tourism".  The Committee's mandate is to
build support in the business sector and among private individuals for the
arts and humanities (especially important when Federal support is stagnant).
So I recommend that people with either stories or statistics should send
them along to PCAH at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20506.
I will find out if they have an e-mail address and post it if they do.
There is also a White House Conference on Tourism (similar to the White
House Conference on Small Business) that will be held next year.  AAM
hopes to make a presentation there, if possible.