I believe there was a request in the last couple of days for info on any
discussion groups on the topic of women in science in general (as opposed to
biology only).  There is WISENET, the Women in Science and Engineering NETwork.
Although it has a tendency to swing off widely on tangents, there have been
discussions of numerous issues bearing on women in science, and a fair amount
of info on various grant programs, etc., has been disseminated there.
To subscribe, send the message
subscribe wisenet yourfirstname yourlastname
to [log in to unmask]    (listserv@uicvm if you have only Bitnet access).
Messages to be posted on the list should go to [log in to unmask]  (...same
alteration for Bitnet).
There is also a list called FIST, Feminists in Science and Technology, but I
don't seem to have the address for that anymore.
Margaret Thayer       [log in to unmask]                                           Zoology-Insects, Field Museum                                                   Chicago IL 60605, USA   phone 312-922-9410 ext. 838