I presently work at a small museum in Seattle that specializes in 19th
and 20th century European(German and Russian mostly) and American art.
We have a new Director, are about to undergo a major architectural
remodeling and a nearly complete revamping of our programs.  It looks
like I will have an opportunity to build a museum education program from
scratch (including the design of architectural facilities for it!!!).
Its a great opportunity and I want to make the most of it.  I'm not
professionally trained as a museum educator (the last of the true
generalists) and would be open to ideas and advice of all types.  Our
museum has never had a volunteer program (which it desperately needs) and
hasn't had an education program, outside of my little gallery talks and
slide programs for years (make that decades).  Would love to shoot for
the stars and wait till the money people cry uncle (they will).  Let
me thank you all in advance would REALLY appreciate your ideas, advice,
dreams and caveats.
Steven Broocks
Assistant Director, Frye Art Museum