> > I'm not a member of MUSEUM-L so I don't know what all of you
> > John Terrell
> > [log in to unmask]
Spotted you on the internet this summer and have been meaning to get in
touch.  Loved your recent piece in - was it? - C.A. re: linguistic vs.
_other_ boundaries.  We understand mosquitos here!
About this message:  Why does it look like a forward with no response.
I'm rather new to this medium and haven't got the details nailed down yet.
Anyway, I have kept up with "Terrell vs. Spock", and three years ago I
visited the Milwaukee Public and the Field in one pass.  In general, I'm
not a diorama kind of guy, mainly because my exhibit interests don't merge
so strongly with ethnographic materials, but there's no comparison between
what the M.P. has done and the recent Mikis Spock stuff at the Field.  It
was _sooo_ obvious when I took both institutions in rapid succession.  Can't
you use the former, which is quite near you, as something of a foil for
the Spocks of the world?
Keep up the good work, but get more public, and let me know if I can help.  My
director when we built the exhibit knew, went to graduate school with,
disliked, and invited Spock to our opening ("12,000 Years in Maine" -
6,000 sq. ft, two stories).  Spock didn't show.
Final question: Is Spock simply arrogant, philosophically postmodern, or
merely naively pediatric-in-orientation?