The discussion about fees versus donations versus free admission leads me
to ask another question.
We are non-profit, part of the University of California system, although we
receive no direct funding from UC.  Our mission is to be the interpretive
center for Scripps Institution of Oceanography, who also gives us no
funding. We are in an area with many high quality tourist attractions (San
Diego Zoo and Wild Animal Park, Sea World, San Diego Natural History
Museum, Reuben Fleet Space Theater and Science Center, San Diego Museum of
Art, San Diego Museum of Contemporary Art-the list goes on and on).
We are asked to operate (and pay debts and for capital improvements as the
building was not ready for use when we took possession) on 100% earned
Is any other institution actually doing this and succeeding? What are the
percentages of various funding sources that you receive? What percentage of
the total budget comes from earned income?  (Earned in our case is ticket
sales, group tours, facility rental for outside special events, membership,
and educational programs.)
I would very grateful for any information you can give me about how your
institution is funded. You can send it directly to me and if others are
interested, I'll put out a summary.