Could you send me a copy of the questionnaire, merely for my
own interest and information.  Although I don't work in a
museum, I am working on a dissertation which concerns itself
with museums and technology, and I would be interested to know
what kinds of questions you are asking, and of course what
kinds of answers you are getting.
Thanks for your help,
Rod Waterman
English Department
University of Virginia
According to Katherine Jones-Garmil:
> For those of you who have been following this topic -- please remember
> that the Museum Computer Network is collecting information on museum
> automation projects through a questionnaire that was distributed via
> museum-l and in SPECTRA (the MCN newsletter).  There is still time to
> respond.  If you did not receive a copy of the questionnaire, please let
> me know.
> Kathy Jones-Garmil
> MCN Program Director