The Doctorow novel/movie was Ragtime, featuring, among others, Mary
Steenburgen, Howard Rollins (?), Jr., and James Cagney.  Topkapi --
Maximilian Schell, Peter Ustinov, and the late great Melina Mercouri, I
believe -- is set in what I am not sure is an actual museum in Istanbul,
but I cannot bring the name to mind.  Rififi is a jewelry story heist
I'm almost positive.
On Wed, 17 Aug 1994 12:52:20 PDT, Bernard Barryte wrote:
>The first "Batman" features Jack Nicholson as the Joker perpetrating
>some rather savage vandalism in a museum; the climax of the movie
>after a Doctrow novel(?) occurs at the Morgan Library. If memory
>serves, I think the theft in "Topkopi" is from a museum, but I
>cannot now recall whether the "Raffiffi" heist is from a museum or
>jewelry shop?
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