On Thu, 21 Jul 1994, Marc Becker wrote:
> Does anyone out there know of any history exhibits on suburbanization?  I'm
> currently on an exhibit team for such an exhibit at the Johnson County
> Museums (outside Kansas City) and we're in the middle of NEH funded
> planning.  I don't think the staff has a good idea of whether and how this
> subject has been dealt with before.
> Cheryl Musch
> Johnson County Museums
To Cheryl Musch:
Sorry to respnd to the entire list.  I erased the original message.
Hi Cheryl- A good source of information may be: Creating Chicago's
North Shore: A Suburban History, by Michael Ebner. (University
of Chicago Press, 1988).  If you send directly to my e-mail
address, I will try to get more info.
Pat Miller