There have been a few messages regarding multimedia applications
so I thought I would mention a new addition to the field.
ARTchive is a relational image database program that I developed
to support my image collection of ancient Burmese artifacts.
Using text-to-speech capability and audio support, "stand-alone"
display presentations for any size collection of objects
can be automatically created.
Rather than importing the graphic or multimedia file into the
database file,  ARTchive uses just the pointer to the file's location.
This scheme allows the graphic and multimedia files to be stored on
any file storage device accessible to one's computer including PhotoCD
and is ideal for a networked environment.
ARTchive currently runs only on a Macintosh computer with a Windows
version due for release  in 2 months. Shortly I will make a demo version
available via anonymous ftp. Please email me directly should you want
more info.
HH     Haskia Hasson
HH     HUSK                                        Tel: 310/372-1757
HH     P.O. Box 3446                            Fax: 310/372-1930
HH     Manhattan Beach, CA  90266      Internet: [log in to unmask]