Butte, MT. has a state prison museum that includes a real gallows.
As an avid museum consumer, I love the list.  Here are my top 2 ghoulish
        The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago has (had?) the bodies
        of a man and woman on display.  They were sectioned, one crossways,
        one lengthways, and the thin (less than 1 inch thick) sections were
        encased in plastic.
        The "Garden of Eden" in Lucas, Kansas.  Folk artist S.P. Dinsmoor
        created weird allegories in concrete in the yard of his house.  He's
        in the mausoleum out back, in a glass-covered concrete coffin where's
        he's resided since his death 60 years ago.  Seeing this was nearly
        enough to make me quit travelling: I'll surely never see anything this
        weird - anywhere.
My thanks to museum staff everywhere, who have provide me and my family with
countless hours of fun and education.
Bob Rogers            Internet:  [log in to unmask]
Instrumental, Inc.    GEnie:     R.C.ROGERS
Minneapolis, MN       Phone:     612-920-6188