Dear Alan,
The Castle of the Counts (Gravensteen) certainly is a gruesome place-
complete with a friendly resident cat population and, from the roof, the
best view of Ghent.
There are also some great displays of weapons, armor, and torturing tools
at the Tower of London.
Trevor Robins
On Wed, 20 Jul 1994, Alan Kabat wrote:
> There is a torture museum, probably the largest such, in Ghent (Belgium) --
> the old Flanders castle ('Gravensteen?) which has all sorts of diabolical
> torture instruments, along with an oubliette. This is now a museum, with some
> exhibits placed by Amnesty International not only showing how the instruments
> worked but also when they were last used -- e.g., the garotte was used in
> Franco's Spain up until the early 1970s. A gruesome museum, indeed...