It was WWI not WWII :-)
On Thu, 30 Jun 1994, Jerel Crosland wrote:
> Item Subject: Message text
> This is kind of a trivia question, but where else but on a museum
> listserver would such a question belong?
> I was wondering if someone could tell me the story behind the "Kilroy was
> here!" sign and the little guy peeking over a wall that goes along with
> it. Surely there is a museum of Americana (like the Strong museum - hello
> David!) with someone on the list who can answer. I seem to remember that
> this was an artifact of WWII somehow.
> Jerel
>                            ////
>                           (@ @)
> ----------------------oOo--(_)--oOo-------------------------------------
> Jerel Crosland | The computer is incredibly fast, accurate, and stupid.
> [log in to unmask]    | Man is unbelievably slow, inaccurate, and brilliant.
>                |             -Leo Cherne
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------