You could send information about this program to me for inclusion in the
Directory of Vendors and Consultants of Museum Automation Software.  The
snail mail address is:
Kathy Jones-Garmil
Program Director
Museum Computer Network
MIT Museum
265 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139
To anyone else who hasn't sent in an update or new description, please
send me something right away.  The 1994 edition of the directory will be
available at the MCN annual conference in Wasington, DC in August.
Thank you.
Kathy Jones-Garmil
MCN, Program Director
On Sun, 10 Jul 1994, Andrew J. Morris wrote:
> I have written a Windows program for accessioning and
> cataloging small museum collections. This is a shareware
> program. Does anyone have any recommendations as to where
> I can upload this program to make it accessible to those who may
> be interested? The entire program, support files and installation
> program fit in a 300K ZIP'd file.
>    Andrew J. Morris
>    [log in to unmask]