A session entitled "Is It Real?  The Future of Authentic Objects in
Museums" will be presented at the annual meeting of the Southeastern
Museums Conference in Memphis, October 5-8, 1994.  The session will
explore the mystique of authentic artifacts, objects and works of
art, their effect on visitors balanced against the responsibility of
caring for them, and the future of their place in museums in the
context of new and emerging technologies.  The session is moderated
by Susan Clark Duncan (Historical Society of Palm Beach County, FL)
and features speakers Kelly Turner (Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts,
AL), Betty Dunckel Camp (Florida Museum of Natural History), and
Kathleen Brown (LORD Cultural Resources, FL).
Allyn Lord
The University Museum
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
[log in to unmask] (Internet)
alord%saturn.uark.edu@uafsysb (Bitnet)