The Science Museum in London is opening its new Documentation Centre on
Tuesday 7 June. Initially the centre will be open to the Museum's staff,
but later in the year the Centre's facilities will be available to
external researchers by prior arrangement. A feature of the Centre will
be that in addition to the Museum's information resources, access will
be provided via the networks to information resources worldwide.
A suggested flourish to the opening ceremony is for the Science Museum's
Director, Sir Neil Cossons, to exchange E-mail with museums located in
distant parts of the world. Anyone who would be willing to engage in such
an exchange at 10.15am (UK time) on 7 June is invited to contact Sean Ryan,
Records Manager at the Science Museum, his address is [log in to unmask]
Ben Booth  The Science Museum, Exhibition Rd. London SW7 2DD  [log in to unmask]