In light of recent discussion, I thought the message copied below
might be of interest to some on this list:
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
*** Forwarding note from SICHAT-L--SIVM     06/21/94 00:02 ***
To: BMOEM112--SIVM     Recipients of SICH
From: Smithsonian Internal Discussion Group
Date:     Tue, 21 Jun 1994 00:02:48 -0400
Sender:   Smithsonian Internal Discussion Group <[log in to unmask]>
         |~        Richard J. Urban
       .===.       Smithsonian Institution Libraries
   +   || A|  *    Acquisition Services
  /|\  || H| / \
--|A|---/\ |+___+  [log in to unmask]
 .|=| /=|==\  |||  [log in to unmask]
GRANITE on [log in to unmask]
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   GRANITE is an international network, based in Amsterdam.  Its aims
   are to stimulate research in the field of gender and new information
   and communication technologies and to provide a platform for
   discussions about theories and research from a feminist/women's
   studies perspective.
   Subscribe to the Granite newsletter by mailing the message:
      SUB GRANITE your full name
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