As I struggle through the process of completing the script for an
orientation program for special exhibit, I thought that a worthwhile topic
for AAM next year would be a session on planning, developing media used as
introduction or orienations for museums and special exhibits.  This could
include any type of media formats-video, slides, computer programs, CDs,
etc.  If you are involved in developing this type of media and
interested/willing to participate in a panel discussion about this topic,
let me know.  It would be nice to have a blance of practical and
theoretical information about what we know about orienting and engaging
visitors with some examples of different media formats used to  present
orientation programs.
Anyone interested?  Personally, I'd love to go to the sessionto learn more
myself,  but I am also willing to help anyone work on this.
Proposals for session topics are due July 1 so if you are
interested/willing to be on such a panel or even chair it, contact me ASAP.
 I am serving as program chair for the Media and Technology Committee and
putting together the preliminary proposals.  Other ideas welcome.
Kris Morrissey, Ph.D.
Curator of Interpretation
Michigan State University Museum
E. Lansing, MI   48824
517 353-1943
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