There *was* (as already noted here) an extended discussion of this subject on
Museum-L. My recollection is that it occurred in the Fall/early Winter (11/94-
The LISTSERV itself *does* maintain an archive of those messages.
A simple (but imprecise) approach is to send a message to
[log in to unmask]
[No subject line]
One line message which says: INDEX MUSEUM-L
[Send it off]
You will receive a list of the archived files by month (something like
LOG9309 or LOG9311)
Send another message to the LISTSERV
[No subject line]
One line message which says: GET [your choice, for ex.: LOG9309]
[Send it off]
You will receive the messsages for that month.
[There are ways to enter actual searches for LISTSERVs but the
way I've described is the simplest approach...]
-- Tom Moritz
   Library/Calif. Academy of Sciences