I would appreciate receiving the email address of the following
individuals or their contacting me directly.  Thank you.
David Wake, UC Berkeley, Mus of Zoology
Barbara Novy, Collns Office, Boston Children's Museum
Debbie Cooper, Oakland Museum
Pat Barnett, Watson Library, MOMA
Carol Schmeigel, Winterthur Museum, Delaware
Michael Fox, Minnesota Historical Society
Larry Gall, Yale/Peabody
I have been told these individuals are involved in on-line collections access
projects at their insitutions.  If you see your name on the list above and
are NOT the on-line access person at your institution, please refer me to
the correct person.  I am also trying to find person names and email addresses
for on-line access projects at the following institutions
Salem Public Library
Henry Ford / Greenfield Village
Heard Museum
M W Strong Museum
Thank you.
Anita Manning
Asst Director, Collections Management
Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum
Honolulu Hawai'i