From:   PO1::"[log in to unmask]" "Folklore Discussion List"
 10-MAY-1994 17:41:25.61
To:     Multiple recipients of list FOLKLORE <[log in to unmask]>
Subj:   Re: Lucky mushrooms?
In article <[log in to unmask]>, Chris
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> ==>mushrooms having caps red with white speckles, white stems.  The first
> two I understand, but what is the significance of the mushrooms???  We're
> talking "language of flowers" era here, so surely it means something. Ideas?
Well, though this doesn't actually help with "what it means," the mushrooms
in question are aminita muscaria and have for quite a while been the
mushroom of choice in fairy tale illustration. All the discussions I've
ever seen on why focus on the fact that they are hallucinogenic (but also
very poisonous if improperly prepared). Gunter Grass in his novel _The
Flounder_ has the Brothers Grimm happily eating them.