A Symposium in Honor of Is Dz=87n Naadleeshe=AB
12 noon, Friday, 6 May 1994
Yenching Library, Harvard
Divinity Avenue, Cambridge
Professor Robert W. Preucel: Introduction
Paul Ethalba, Cedar Creek, Arizona
Opening song
Professor Ines Talamantez, U.C. Santa Barbara
Aspects of the Feminine: Apache traditions of female initiations
Ernestine Cody Begay, Visiting Curator, Peabody Museum
Dikuhe: the True Apache Belief Sustems
This symposium accompanies the opening of the exhibit "Is Dz=87n Naadleeshe=
Bi Chaghaa She": the Children of Changing Woman, at the Peabody Museum
For further information, please call (617)495-2248.