Here's an opportunity to get your museum involved in electronic
publishing. Note that the Smithsonian is involved in this.
Robbin Murphy
NYU/Museum Studies
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-----------------FORWARDED MESSAGE----------------------------------
The Virtual Newsroom (an experiment in Net publishing) is back for MacWorld
D.C. May 10 - 12.  Submit anything you'd like to see published (text, photos,
graphics) to [log in to unmask] or [log in to unmask]
Or, post to any usenet group in wide circulation, including the words
'Virtual Newsroom' in the text.
Neil Chase and Chris Gulker will edit, assemble into pages, publish 'The
Virtual Reporter' on the Internet and on an online service or two in Adobe
Acrobat and Farallon Replica format.
Photos in JPEG (preferred) or GIF format please, graphics in any Mac-readable
or parsible format (EPS, PICT, TIFF or Illustrator/Mac  native format).
The MacWorld theme is 'do it yourself'- personal publishing on the
Internet... but don't let that stifle your imagination.
Radius Inc., a maker of Mac desktop-publishing equipment, is sponsoring, and
promising a small reward to those whose submissions are used (including
participants in the Seybold Virtual Newsroom...). Last experiment drew
surprisingly strong commentary, interviews, and reporting from all over the
Agent programs will again participate, including  Stanford's NetNews filter
and  Individual Inc.'s SMART agent.
Presslink, Reuters, and the Smithsonian Institution will also participate.
We're hoping Softlock, Inc. will return as well.
Back issues by FTP at or, on Compuserve, in the  Journalism,
Adobe Acrobat or Farallon forum libraries.