Colorado Wyoming Association of Museums
Professional Preconference Workshops, Thursday, May 12, 1994
         Friday-Sunday, May 13-15, 1994
               Holiday Inn
            Sheridan, Wyoming
           21st Annual Meeting
      "The Importance of Being Artistic"
           Art Enhancing Museums
     The Colorado Wyoming Association of Museum's 21st annual meeting is
upon us.  The CWAM annual meeting is a series of informational seminars
dedicated to helping update professionals in the museum field on current
and new techniques and products applicable to them.  The exchange and
presentation of helpful, new and unique ideas, in a conference setting,
will be given by experts from many fields along with guest speakers from
a number of diverse backgrounds.
     Vendors to display and promote their services and products relevant
to museums, archives, and libraries are invited to participate in this
year's meeting.  Those with a specific technological product to
demonstrate are especially encouraged to attend.
Workshops and various session titles:
Scale Models and Dioramas: We Hate 'Em But the Public Loves 'Em
Museum Boards
The Museum Palette: Seize What You See
Museum Audiences: Stalking The Elusive Species
>From Living Room Walls to Exhibit Halls: Creative Approaches to
       Involving the Community
Successful Volunteer Programs: How to Recruit, Train and Keep a
       Volunteer Group
The Fine Art of Collections Registration
You Cat Do It! Video Production for Museums
Artful Solutions: Keeping Down Pollution - Health and Safety in
       the Museum Environment
The "Rosebud" Phenomenon: Artifact Specific Exhibitions
Great Expectations: A Design Dialogue
To Party or Not: Fund Raising in the 90's
Gimmicks Are Good: Using Interactive Techniques to Best Advantage
Constructive Conflict
The Art of the Interview
Designing Exhibits Without Spending a Fortune
Look Who's Talking: What Artists Are Trying to Say
Figuratively Speaking: Mannequins On a Low Budget
There's Art In Them Thar Collections: Mining History Collections
        For Art Objects
How to Go to Press Without Being Put Through the Wringer
Controlling Your Environment: The Historic Structure as Gallery
Using Art to Teach When You Can't Touch
If you are interested in CWAM's 21st annual meeting, or would just
like more information, please contact either Richard Sweet, Curatorial
Assistant or Robert Hoge, Curator at the American Numismatic Association,
818 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO 80903-3279.
Voice 719-632-2646
FAX   719-634-4085
Internet [log in to unmask]
For conference registration contact:
Joanne Kudla
CWAM Treasurer
P O Box 1000
Cody, Wyoming 82414