>From the discussion so far,  it seems that most of the anti-Disney arguments
are not based on anything to do with the substance of what the Park will
portray, but rather on emotional reaction to increasing the density of land
use in the exurbs of the major U.S. population center (the Atlantic
corridor). Short of funneling massive support to ZPG, there is nothing one
can do to stop this -- I wonder how many of the respondants themselves live
in suburban developments, as opposed to high-density city apartment or row
house residential areas?  The Haymarket area will inevitably go the way of
all the rest of what used to be rural Northern Virginia, and whether it gets
massive housing developments and shopping centers or a theme park makes
little difference to the environment. As far as documenting archaeological
sites, that's a matter of enforcing Virginia law and putting unrelenting
pressure on local authorities to see that the law is enforced.