> Is there an easy way to get a full list of the musuems
> with World Wide Web servers?  I've been looking at
> the one at the Exploratorium lately as well as
> the one at Berkeley's Museum of Paleontology. I'm
> intrigued by what I see and am curious to know if other
> musuems have Web servers.
The California Academy of Sciences at San Francisco, CA has a WEB
server and Gopher server under test.
The Gopher can be reached by gophering to "cas.calacademy.org".
The Gopher has CAS General Information as well as type specimens
catalog for the departments of Botany, Invertebrate Zoology & Geology,
Herpetology, and Ichthyology.
The WEB server which is still in its initial stage is at
URL: http://www.calacademy.org/
I am also interested in finding a list of museums w/ a WEB server.
Thanks.  GABBY.
Gabriel Mascardo Jr.                    mail:  [log in to unmask]
California Academy of Sciences          voice: (415) 750-7032
Golden Gate Park                        fax:   (415) 750-7186
San Francisco, California 94118