GOOD, SOUND Advice...may we please follow it? I find it difficult that,
at this point, we really need the fragmentation and overload of yet
another list...
Dennis Moser                     I once declared that we            *
[log in to unmask]                  should digitize it all...          *
[log in to unmask]          Now I may be the last humanist     *
(517)764-6264                    to go through SILS...              *
                School of Information and Library Science           *
                        University of Michigan                      *
...and if you are a WEB-footed cognescenti: try this one --         *   ...and have fun  *
On Wed, 27 Apr 1994, Museum Informatics Project wrote:
> WAIT! Before you set up a new list on a museum-related topic, I plead with
> you to initiate discussions of that topic right here on MUSEUM-L (I mean,
> discuss publishing, not discuss whether to have a new list about publishing).
> If not much discussion is generated, then perhaps a new list is not needed. If
> lots of discussion is generated, then perhaps the subscribers of MUSEUM-L
> _are_ the interested parties and a new list isn't necessary.
> In any case, after a while, everyone can assess the situation and have
> some more considered recommendations to make about starting "one more list."
> Peter