A new Smithsonian Exhibit - SCIENCE IN AMERICAN LIFE -
opens April 27 at the National Museum of American History.
Key intersections of science and society are featured in
this major new permanent exhibition, which takes visitors
on an eye-opening tour of science - from the 1870s to present.
Included are sections on plastics and pesticides, the Pill,
the Bomb, biotechnology and other dramatic developments.
Highlights include a re-creation of an 1876 chemical lab at
Johns Hopkins University, a model showing how an atomic
chain reaction works, "futuristic" objects from the 1939
World's Fair, and a typical kitchen from a 1950s home.
-Felicia (yes, I work at the Smithsonian, but no, I had
nothing to do with this new exhibit .... Just thought
this announcement might be of interest ....)