Mary and other going to AAM:
Why not show up at the MCN breakfast meeting on Monday?  What better
place to meet network colleagues.
        Museum Computer Network
        Monday, April 25, 7:15-8:30 am
        Room:  Sheraton East Ballroom
        Coffee and pastries
On Thu, 7 Apr 1994, Mary Case wrote:
> I'm thinking it might be fun for those of us lurking on the net to put faces
> to the handles at the AAM mt ting. I've just coffee (what else in Seattle?) on
> Monday or Tuesday morning. Any takers? Anyone got ideas for where?
> Mary Case, QM2, 1243 E. Street S.E., Washington, D.C. 20003
> PH:202 544 2698 FX:202 547 9439 INTERNET:[log in to unmask]
> No Pressure, No Diamonds