I thought this might be interesting to Museum-L folk.  Also, the
Administration has requested $100 million for this program next year, so
this could be a long-term funding source.
Michael Roark
American Association of Museums, Government and Public Affairs
Phone 202 289-9125 in Washington, DC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 00:23:27 -0500
From: Tom Freebairn <[log in to unmask]>
To: Multiple recipients of list <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: New NTIA funding program guidelines announced
We ask your assistance in posting the following announcement regarding
NTIA funding as widely as possible and in alerting eligible nonprofits
to consider applying for support or to partner with other organizations
that plan to do so.
Tom Freebairn
Information Infrastructure Clearinghouse Project
Key elements of the NTIA program seem to be:
Background:  This is a new grant program.
Total grant funds available in this round:  $26 million
Size of individual grants:  No guidance for this first round.
Application deadline:  May 12, 1994
Announcement of awards:  Late summer or early fall, 1994
Duration of grants:  6-18 months
Special consideration:  Requires matching support
Special consideration:  Emphasis on partnerships for applications
Special consideration:  Emphasis on computer-based electronic networks
Eligibile Entities:  State and local governments; nonprofits
Types of grants:  1) Planning Grants (40% of available funds);
                  2) Demonstration Projects (60% of available funds)
Selection process:  Competitive merit review
Additional note:  Guidelines are approx 37K
Summary:  "...funds for planning and demonstration projects to promote
the goals of development and widespread availability of advanced
telecommunications technologies; to enhance the delivery of social
services and generally serve the public interest; to promote access to
government information and increase civic participation; and to support
the advancement of an advanced nationwide telecommunications and
information infrastructure."
Program Description:  "NTIA announces a competitive grant program, the
TIIAP, created to advance the goals of the Administration's National
Information Infrastructure (NII) initiative.  Major goals of the NII
initiative include:  the promotion of private sector investment through
appropriate tax and regulatory policies; the extension of universal
service so that information is available to all at affordable prices,
using the widest variety of appropriate technologies; the promotion of
technological innovation and new applications; wider access to government
information; and guarantees of information security and network
reliability. . . ."
"The TIIAP will provide matching grants to state and local governments,
non-profit health care providers, school districts, libraries,
universities, public safety services, and other non-profit entities.
Grants will be awarded after a competitive merit review process and will
be used to fund projects to connect institutions to existing networks and
systems, enhance communications networks and systems that are currently
operational, establish new network capabilities, permit users to
interconnect among different networks and systems, and bring more users
on-line.  Equally important, they will help leverage the resources and
creativity of the private sector to devise new applications and uses of
the NII.  The success of these pilot projects will create an ongoing
process that will generate more innovative approaches each year."
NTIA contact:
Dr. Charles Rush, Acting Director of the Office of Telecommunications and
Information Applications
National Telecommunications and Information Administration
Department of Commerce
Telephone: (202) 482-2048;  fax: (202) 482-2156
e-mail:  [log in to unmask]
NTIA BBS via Internet: ntiabbs.ntia.doc.gov; or at: iitf.doc.gov
NTIA BBS via dial up: (202) 482-1199; modem set a either 2400 or 9600 baud,
8 data bits, 1 stop bit.
The Information Infrastructure Clearinghouse project is a small foundation-
supported project being developed to track federal funding regarding the
National Information Infrastructure (NII) and to make the information
widely available to nonprofit organizations.  We are not a federal agency
and do not receive any federal support.
Our project is not currently staffed to handle inquiries for extensive
assistance, so please direct any questions to the NTIA at the numbers
listed above.  As we develop our capacities, we hope to play useful roles
in identifying common interests among potential applicants and in referring
nonprofits to appropriate technical assistance providers.
Tom Freebairn
Information Infrastructure Clearinghouse Project
c/o Benton Foundation
1634 Eye St., N.W., 12th Fl.
Washington, DC  20006
(v) 202.638.5770, x23
(f) 202.638.5771
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