An updated *NATURAL HISTORY BOOK DEALERS* listing is available on the
Sunsite Gopher ( It has addresses for antiquarian and new
book mail-order dealers around the world and some general background,
including directions to other on-line information.
Name=Natural History Book Dealers
URL: gopher://
Those interested last year have been mailed a copy directly.
Feedback welcome.
 Geoff                             ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,\\\\\\\\ /
+---------------------------------(|||||||||("CHAETOZONE"))))))))):>- +
+ Geoffrey B. Read (Dr)            ''''''''''''''''''''''//////// \   +
+  [log in to unmask]                  E-newsletter for        +
+   [log in to unmask]                       Annelida:Polychaeta     +
+-=-=(fax: +64-(4)-232-5621)=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+