> The Washington Post of 3/9/94 reports that Disney "is
> moving away from organizing its proposed park around
> nine history-themed "territories," such as the Civil
> War and slavery, prompted in part by historians'
> concern that the familiar Disney theme park concept
> could oversimplify the past. ... (T)he park could instead
> stress a handful of American values or cultural themes,
> which might include diversity, how conflicts have united
> the country or how Americans have responded to technological
> change."  This is a fairly long article that basically
> says Disney is still struggling as to how to "fit" all
> of this into a theme park that will also be entertaining
> (and make money) without oversimplifying or stereotyping
> the past or "treat(ing) important historic events as
> unrelated to one another."  Sounds like a tall order to me.
I agree, it IS a tall order.  Somehow placing "Disney" and "historic
events" in the same sentence is more than a little unnerving to me anyway.
Susan Hamson
M.A. candidate in Public History
Rutgers University
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