On February 4 Robert Guralnick wrote:
>The world does not need any more sloppy, unorganized,
>cluttered gophers.  The world needs lots more
>well organized and well maintained, specific, topical and useful
But one person's clutter is another person's goldmine and
innovation isn't always neat. But, on the whole, I agree.
>The answer is organization; the packaging of information.
>Whether a museum curator or contributor to museum-l, it is the PACKAGING
>that determines the impact of information.
That's why I think exhibition and museum design should consider
electronic resources from the planning stages, not as an add-on (in
the same way that curators should consider funding at the planning
stage of an exhibition). All departments that deal with electronic
text and images should be involved: exhibit designers, publications,
registrars and publications. I'm taking a class in exhibition
design from Ralph Appelbaum (who did the Holocaust Memorial and, it
seems, everything else these days) and I hope to have solved all
these problems by the end of the semester. :-}
Robbin Murphy
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