I am very disturbed by your expressed lack of sympathy for dealers in the
aftermath of the Northridge quake.  Without dealers how would the
majority of artists earn a living?   The fact that dealers have
been harmed has a direct economic effect on artists.
Loren C. Pigniolo                                 | voice/fax: 415/665-1827
Photographic Preservation Specialist              | voice: 800/484-9808 x7841
Photographic Preservation Services                | i/net: [log in to unmask]
1044 Judah Street #1 San Francisco, CA 94122-2052 | Please call before faxing
On Fri, 28 Jan 1994, Robbin Murphy wrote:
> In the "Inside Art" column of the NY Times today (1/28/94, C23) Carol
> Vogel reports that several art galleries in the Santa Monica area were
> damaged in the earthquake including Burnett Miller and Shoshana Wayne,
> which lost an entire Bruce Nauman installation borrowed from a Swiss
> museum. Does anyone have more information about other galleries in the
> LA area? One artist lost an entire show that was scheduled to open in
> New York next month. I have little sympathy for dealers but there may
> be a large number of artists who, as usual, have been overlooked in
> the rubble.
> Robbin Murphy
> NYU/Museum Studies
> [log in to unmask]