I think that Jan Anderson's comments are well taken.  I would maintain that
the term "living history" has come to encompass so many disparate activities
that it has outlived its usefulness.  Perhaps it might be better to leave
the "living history movement" behind us and insert such activities under
the rubric of "live interpretation" -- costumed or not, first or third person
dialog, etc.  This, I think, has the advantage of clarifying our thinking
regarding these activities and assisting us in keeping the ultimate goal
of education in mind.  A goal which, in my experience, has been lost sight
of quite often, by those who engage in these types of presentations.
Only my two cents.
Steven R. Smith
Art Collection                                      Tel: (617)495-3150
Harvard Law School                                  FAX: (617)495-4449
Cambridge, MA  02138                  E-mail: [log in to unmask]