6 June 2023
Veverka’s Blog for Interpreters 


Hi folks. Another day and more stories to tell. I found lots of interesting news for you to think about interpreting for this first blog for June 2023 – including weird creatures and climate events. The InterpNEWS for May/June 2023 is available now, topics on Secrets of the Deep Dark Sea and my new interpretive course on Economics for Heritage Interpreters is available. Subscribe now if you'd like to receive the new Secrets of the Deep Dark Seas issue and see what issues are planned for the rest of the year.  Here’s the InterpNEWS link.


Also updated courses and free resource materials on how to interpret climate change issues to your museum/park/heritage site visitors for this summer too.


Enjoy the rest of June ðŸ˜Š


Prof John Veverka (John)
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Click this link to visit my updated Veverka’s blog for Interpreters BLOG page.



New Blog Stories to tell for 6 June 2023

-James Webb telescope discovers gargantuan geyser on Saturn's moon, blasting water hundreds of miles into space

-2,000-year-old stone receipt discovered in Jerusalem

-Why do people like spicy food?

-Strange star system may hold first evidence of an ultra-rare 'dark matter star'

-'Brain-eating' amoebas are a new concern in northern US states, health officials advise

-Hundreds of ancient, invisible structures discovered near our galaxy's center

-150-year-old mystery of strange half-circles from Paleolithic site in France finally solved

-Stephen Hawking's most famous prediction could mean that everything in the universe is doomed to evaporate, new study says

-Deadly fungal meningitis outbreak linked to cosmetic procedures in Mexico

-Elon Musk's Neuralink 'brain chips' cleared for 1st in-human trials

-More than half of the world’s largest lakes are drying up

-19th century painters may have primed their canvases with beer-brewing leftovers

-Spiny mice have armadillo-like armor in their tails

-Climate change could trigger gigantic deadly tsunamis from Antarctica, new study warns

-Scientists may be able to put Mars-bound astronauts into 'suspended animation' using sound waves, mouse study suggests

-Massive dino from Brazil ate 'like a pelican,' controversial new study finds. Why is it causing an uproar? 



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