InterpSHARE 10 July 2022
Veverka’s Blog for Interpreters

Hi folks.  I found lots of new interesting news for you to think about interpreting this week – including weird creatures. Let me hear from you if you like the blog or have something to contribute.  The new InterpNEWS for July/Aug is now out too, and more interpretive courses are offered.  If you didn't receive the new InterpNEWS (Lost Civilizations issue) let me know and I will send it to you.  Enjoy the read – Enjoy summer! J

If you like my interpreter’s blog please pass the link on to others.  Happy to add anyone to my interpretive course and publications resources mailing list.
Prof John Veverka (John)
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Click the link for my Interpretation for Interpreters BLOG page.
In this update:
-NASA called. They want their moon dust and cockroaches back.
-30,000 year-old mummified baby mammoth found by Canadian gold miner
-Rare 'Obi-Wan Kenobi' star survives death by supernova, returns stronger and brighter
-Never-before-seen crystals found in perfectly preserved meteorite dust
-Octopuses may be so terrifyingly smart because they share humans' genes for intelligence
-World's deepest shipwreck found — a US navy warship sunk in biggest sea battle of     
-Can you spot the crab in this photo? (Hint: It's under the fuzz.)
-What was megalodon's favorite snack? Sperm whale faces
-Rare 'triple-dip' La Niña could bring another year of intense hurricanes and drought to  
 the US
-When did Earth's first forests emerge?
-Three people gored by bison in a month at Yellowstone National Park. Why do these attacks
-Head of Hercules and other treasures found on Roman 'Antikythera Mechanism' shipwreck
-Dinosaurs took over the planet because they could endure the cold, scientists say
-Mummified mystery pup that died 18,000 years ago was a wolf
-Male mice are terrified of bananas. Here's why.
-Face of wealthy Bronze-Age Bohemian woman revealed in stunning reconstruction
-Why did people start eating Egyptian mummies?
-Massive bulldog-faced dinosaur was like a T. rex on steroids

Enjoy the reveals J
John Veverka
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