Yes, you can add acetone to thin out the B-72. It's a little trial and error to get the right consistency when you're adding to the pre-mixed stuff, but the ideal concentration for labelling is 25% B-72 acryloid to 75% acetone.  We mix our own here because it is more cost effective to buy the B-72 acryloid in bulk.   

Also, please NEVER use clear nail polish. Nail polish uses chemicals that will cause damage to artifacts. It will also yellow and embrittle with time. It is not inert or archival. 


On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 9:12 AM, C. Müller-Straten <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

Do not use Toluol or Xylol. An conservator told us that his studio is using methoxypropanol PM (Dowanol).


Am 31.01.2018 um 15:53 schrieb Grant Gerlich:
Yes, that is a problem. We used clear nail polish instead.


Grant Gerlich
Texas Tech University
Southwest Collections/Special Collections Library

On Wed, Jan 31, 2018 at 7:58 AM, Rebecca Justinger <[log in to unmask]> wrote:



We use Paraloid B-72 to label our artifacts. With each bottle, we find that we are unable to use the last 1/4 because it has become too tacky and almost solid. I believe that I heard you could add acetone to the B-72 to make it usable again. Has anyone done this and have it work as it always

did? How much acetone do you add? I really appreciate any information anyone has on this topic.


Thank you,


Rebecca Justinger


The Buffalo History Museum

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Verlag Dr. Christian Müller-Straten
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Herausgeber: Dr. Christian Mueller-Straten
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