**ARCS Conference in Mexico City**
ARCS is pleased to be hosting our first event in beautiful and historic Mexico City. Unexplored Territories: The Challenges of a Contemporary Collections Registrar will take place October 9-10, 2017 at Salón de Recepciones, Museo Nacional de Arte, Mexico City, Mexico.  Admission is free with registration.

Included are two full days of commentary, discussion, and debate by top Mexican and international collections specialists about the contemporary challenges that confront registrars of cultural assets, primarily works of art. To conclude the event, a guided tour of the Anri Sala exhibition will precede a cocktail party at the Tamayo Museum.

The event will be open to local museum professionals and ARCS members only and will be conducted in Spanish. Register here-http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/event/238/1/congreso-arcs-territorios-inexplorados-retos-en-el-registro-contempor-neo-de-colecciones.

Conferencia ARCS, Ciudad de México
ARCS se complace en presentar su primer evento en la bella e histórica Ciudad de México. Territorios inexplorados: Retos en el registro contemporáneo de colecciones tendrá lugar en el Salón de Recepciones del Museo Nacional de Arte los días 9 y 10 de octubre. Entrada libre con previo registro.

La conferencia incluye dos días de presentaciones, conversaciones y debates entre destacados especialistas en colecciones, tanto mexicanos como extranjeros, para reflexionar sobre los retos contemporáneos del registro de bienes culturales, con especial énfasis en acervos de obras de artes. Para el cierre del evento, habrá una visita guiada por la exposición Anri Sala en el Museo Tamayo, seguida de un coctel.

El evento está abierto a especialistas en el registro de colecciones y las presentaciones serán en español. Inscripciones aquí-http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/event/238/1/congreso-arcs-territorios-inexplorados-retos-en-el-registro-contempor-neo-de-colecciones.

**#ARCSConf Travel Stipends for Students**
ARCS provides resources and programs for all persons who work with and support collections, whether in a museum or in a private or corporate collection.  We are offering an inaugural travel stipend to assist two museum science/studies students to attend the ARCS Biennial Conference November 2-5, 2017 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.  

Two students will receive $1,000 each to help defray the costs of attending this conference.  In return, the recipient agrees to write a two- page review of a session. The specific session will be mutually agreed upon and coordinated by an Awards Committee member prior to the conference and the report will be due to ARCS by December 1, 2017.

Applicants for this inaugural student fellowship must be current members of ARCS.  Selection of the recipients will be based upon demonstrated merit, dedication to the field, and financial need. 

To apply for the award, send:
a cover letter, explaining specifics of demonstrated merit, dedication, and need;
a current resume; and
one letter of recommendation, preferably from your current supervisor or advisor.
Application materials must be received by September 1, 2017.  Please submit Electronic documents to [log in to unmask] with the subject line "Student Travel Stipend".

**Workshop Discounts for ARCS Members**
The Conservation Center for Art and Historic Artifacts (CCAHA)is pleased to offer a $50 discount to ARCS members for the following two workshops: 
Into the Vault: Library and Archive Storage Strategies, August 25-26, in Austin, TX; http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee11807yb671edf2&llr=ys9myawab
Behind the Scenes: Exploring Museum Collections Storage, November 8-9, in Philadelphia, PA. http://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/event?oeidk=a07ee0vzjgcf540d986&llr=ys9myawab
Please email [log in to unmask] for the discount code.

**Important Dates**
-August 17, 2017   ARCS Networking Social in New Haven CT-http://www.arcsinfo.org/news-events/event/239/1/arcs-social-new-haven-connecticut
-September 4, 2017  Deadline for requesting VISA letters from ARCS. For more info please see our ‘Getting There’ page. - http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference/travel-to-canada 
-September 5, 2017  #ARCSchat returns to Twitter.  Participate and follow here. https://twitter.com/arcs4all
-October 2, 2017  #ARCSConf-Conference Registration closes.- http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference/registration 
-November 3-5, 2017  ARCS Conference, Vancouver, Canada http://www.arcsinfo.org/programs/2017-vancouver-conference

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