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**  Montagu House: the first British Museum

The Montagu House gardens opened to the public in 1757, with access to the interior of the house and its collections following, once the refurbishments were complete, in 1759.


**  US Supreme Court to decide on Iran artifact case

The US Supreme Court has agreed to decide on a long-running legal battle over whether Persian artifacts in Chicago museums can be seized as compensation for victims of a terror attack in Israel.


**  Researchers Find Ancient Extinction Event Among Large Marine Creatures

After a recent statistical analysis of the marine fossil record, researchers were surprised to find that before the ice age wiped out many large land creatures, a mass extinction event swept through the seas.




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**  No doubt about it: Australians love the arts and culture

But according to the report, the last three years appear to have seen a genuine erosion in public goodwill towards the arts, with more Australians now seeing the arts as elitist – as “not for people like me” – and too expensive.


**  The Village Sin Eater Was The Worst Paid Freelance Gig in History

The family who hired the sin eater believed that the bread literally soaked up their loved one’s sins; once it was eaten, all the misdeeds were passed on to the hired hand.


**  The Book Smugglers of Timbuktu

For African historians, the realisation during the late 1990s of the full scale of Timbuktu’s intellectual heritage was the equivalent of the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls for scholars of Judaism in the 1950s.


**  Museum's Huge Success In Latino Audience Engagement

There was scepticism when the Dallas Museum of Art director proposed bringing a major exhibit of Mexican masterpieces here from Paris and allowing families who were not regular museum visitors to see it for free.



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**  Now is the time for an Italian-American museum exchange programme

With Italy’s historic reform of its museums’ leadership at risk in the courts, what we need is a more collaboration not less.


**  This L.A. Museum wants to know the story behind your tattoo

To get things started, the museum has also been showing off its employees' tattoos; it's not clear yet if these stories will play a part in the actual exhibition later this year.


**  The Louvre may soon be surpassed as the most popular museum in the world

Due to the Louvre’s recent decline in popularity, down perhaps to fears of terror attacks in Paris, the Met may soon surpass the famous French museum to become the most attended art museum in the world.


**  Why Did Medieval Artists Give Elephants Trunks That Look Like Trumpets?

They were drawn sometime around the 13th or 14th century in a medieval bestiary, a type of book that described animals large and small, real and fantastic.



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**  Mississippi museums preparing for December opening

Two Mississippi museums in Jackson opened their doors for a preview of the soon-to-be completed, engaging and emotional chronicle of the state's history.


**  Researchers Pin Down Ancient South American Mammal

Research using ancient DNA has allowed a team of scientists to firmly establish the relationships of one of the strangest mammals in the known South American fossil record.


**  How Jeff Koons's gift to Paris is riddled with problems

The US artist is donating a massive sculpture, a hand holding a bouquet of balloon tulips, to the city of Paris to honour victims of the 2015 terrorist attacks, but is it more of a coup for the artist than France?


**  Victoria and Albert Museum Unveils a Cutting-Edge Expansion

Passing through the museum’s new gates on Exhibition Road, one enters what the V&A calls it “the world’s first all-porcelain public courtyard.”



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**  Luxury-Brand Mogul To Build Art Museum In Paris

It is the latest chapter in the art-world rivalry of two of France’s richest businessmen: a saga of momentous contemporary art collections and a quest by their owners to build Paris museums that would transform the city’s landscape.


**  The Strange Story Of The New American Writers Museum

An Irish former trade association head, a German lawyer and a native-born business executive, all residents of Washington and not an author among them, decide to create a museum dedicated to American writers.


**  German museum presents artworks from collector’s trove

Switzerland’s Kunstmuseum Bern plans to show several other pieces from the Cornelius Gurlitt collection Friday, and the two museums will open simultaneous exhibitions of hundreds of works in November.


**  The world’s art is under attack—by microbes

That’s why scientists and conservators are working to identify what kinds of bacteria are colonizing an artifact, purge them, and make sure they cannot return.



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**  Museums Are Getting Clever

Museums continue to break new ground establishing relationships with their visitors that strengthen their importance to the community.


**  Industrial Heritage Associations and Volunteers to meet in Barcelona in October

The tenth annual weekend of European industrial heritage associations and volunteers


**  Researching Digital Cultural Heritage

Call for Papers


**  Free conservation treatment assistance for at-risk photograph collections

Winterthur/University of Delaware Program in Art Conservation


**  This Week's Horoscopes

Aquarius - The King’s men part you can understand, but you’ve never really comprehended how all the King’s horses were supposed to help

filled angel parties.

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