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**  How an art museum in Russia became the target of Kremlin police raids

Despite Roerich's influence and peace-loving philosophy, the museum has also become the site of a surprisingly aggressive tug of war – highlighted by a riot police raid on its collection in March – as powerful vested interests vie for control over the foundation's wealth.


**  King Tut's Throne, Chests and Bed Will Be Transported to New Museum

Moving items belonging to King Tut has become a particularly sensitive issue since 2014, when the beard attached to the ancient Egyptian monarch's golden mask was accidentally knocked off during work on the relic's lighting.


**  How To Make Sure Going To The Museum Is Not ‘Like Going To The Dentist’

The growing slew of digital entertainment options wrestling for our attention may be part of the problem for museums, but for many institutions, digital technology also offers a potential solution.




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**  Pineapple Left in a Museum Is Mistaken for Art

Red-faced officials removed the pineapple after realising their mistake - but it had already been on display for two days fooling hundreds of students as well as lecturers who are said to have praised the genius of the work.


**  Unusual Museums - The Museum of Spanking Machines and Initiation Devices

The exact prank would vary by the organization and the machine they had, but each of them was designed to scare the newcomer in a harmless way.


**  The Ten Biggest Art Controversies In Venice Biennale History

The exhibition has suffered several dust-ups in its 114-year history, from vexing grand prize winners to derogatory showcases of “primitive” African art.


**  Seized Pissarro turns up in exhibition at the Marmottan Museum

A painting by impressionist master Camille Pissarro seized from a Jewish collector in France in WWII has turned up in an exhibition in Paris, where relatives are seeking its return from a US couple who have loaned it.



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**  This Stradivarius study refutes the string theory of history

To be honest, I think I like being told that Strads and modern violins sound more or less alike for the same reason I like hearing that blindfolded wine experts can’t tell red from white.


**  How the British Museum prepared for the Second World War

Relocated to stately houses, abandoned tube stations and purpose-built, climate-controlled bunkers – this is the story of how the museum pulled off the biggest, mass evacuation of objects in any museum’s history.


**  What Happens When Computers Get “Better” At Great Art Than Artists?

If art defined by human emotions, what might happen once external algorithms are able to understand and manipulate human emotions better than Shakespeare, Picasso or Lennon?.


**  What might have been: the Victoria and Albert Museum's never-built tower

The tower could have contained water tanks and a chimney for the museum’s boilers, while external stairs would have spiralled up to a viewing platform for visitors



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**  Here’s What Actually Happens During A Night At The Natural History Museum

I was one of approximately 200 adults who voluntarily crammed themselves onto very small and uncomfortable cots beneath the museum’s suspended Giant Blue Whale.


**  Brussels history museum takes European angle

The new museum in the European quarter in Brussels tells the story of common themes in the history of the continent, purged by catastrophic wars and edging towards unity.


**  The Frost Science Museum Finally Opened And It Was Worth the Wait

From its yellow-submarine-like elevators, which take guests to varying levels of a 500,000-gallon aquarium, to its 30-foot-long feathered dinosaur, the sights in the open-air space are other-worldly.


**  Museum hires neuroscientist to enhance visitor experience

The Peabody Essex Museum is taking what is being hailed as an unprecedented step in the museum world: hiring a neuroscientist to help apply the tenets of modern brain science to enhance the museum-going experience.



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**  World famous in New Zealand: The Southward Car Museum

The first car that ever came to New Zealand is here – an 1895 Benz that looks like a cross between a horse drawn carriage and a go cart.


**  London's Garden Museum: an exclusive preview

Some of the museum’s more valuable acquisitions are impressive – there’s the 17th century McAlpine watering jug, as old as the tomb of the Tradescants and a glass cucumber straightener devised by George Stephenson, creator of the locomotive.


**  Romanian Kitsch Museum opens in Bucharest

A museum showcasing Romanian kitsch items, ranging from a life-size Dracula to communist-era glass fish, has opened in the country’s capital.


**  Hong Kong’s Tiananmen Square Museum Reopens

The museum has temporarily reopened in a small space in the Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre located in the city’s Shek Kip Mei neighbourhood with a special exhibition themed "What has 'June 4th' to do with me?".



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**  Homo naledi Likely Roamed Earth with H. sapiens

Adams' donation includes some of the code for the earliest commercially available computer games, along with printed source code, promotional materials, photographs, magazines, comic books and other documentation.


**  SPNHC 2017 Meeting

The 32nd annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC), June 18-24, 2017, in Denver Colorado


**  Art Deco

ICDAD Annual Meeting


**  COMCOL Annual Conference

Umeå, Sweden, 5–9 December 2017


**  This Week's Horoscopes

Capricorn - In a complete reversal of conventional wisdom, you’ll find that you do in fact have to be crazy to work at your job, and that no, it doesn’t help

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