Hi Romana,

There are a fair number of publications, some new, some rather old.  The fall 2015 volume of the Exhibitionist, the publication of the U.S. National Association for Museum Exhibition (now renamed Exhibition) was all about creating inclusive experiences: http://name-aam.org/resources/exhibition/back-issues-and-online-archive.

The Institute for Human Centered Design has a page of resources on inclusive design from the US and Europe: http://humancentereddesign.org/universal-design/universal-design-resources

There are also guidelines for accessible exhibitions and publications along with information on Smithsonian accessible programs at www.si.edu/accessibility.

The U.S. National Park Service has program accessibility guidelines at https://www.nps.gov/hfc/accessibility/accessibilityGuideVersion2.1.pdf

The U.S. National Endowment for the Arts has several publications on its website:  https://www.arts.gov/accessibility/accessibility-resources/publications-checklists-resources

The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts offers an extensive collection of information for inclusion in performing arts settings: http://education.kennedy-center.org/education/accessibility/lead/resources.html

While the institutions on this list are large, all of the information they offer is readily applied in small organizations.  I hope this will help you.

Best wishes,

Janice Majewski
Director, Inclusive Cultural and Educational Projects
Institute for Human Centered Design

On Thu, Apr 28, 2016 at 12:21 PM, "Romana Köstler" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:


I was wondering if you could recommend any handbooks, guidelines, etc. that can help small institutions develop accessible interpretive offers (and environments) for their visitors with disabilities. 

I am master student, currently writing on my dissertation with the topic inclusion of visitors with disabilities.
I would really appreciate your feedback!


Best regards
Romana Köstler
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Janice Majewski
Director, Inclusive Cultural and Educational Projects
Institute for Human Centered Design

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571-245-4403 (cell)  

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