We're currently inviting submissions for inclusion in an exciting new book which MuseumsEtc will be publishing early next year: The Museum Blog Book.

Today, much of the most interesting, innovative and passionate writing - and dialogue - about museums and galleries takes place around some 500 carefully-crafted, thoughtfully-created museum blogs and personal websites. But all too little of this content enters into mainstream museum discourse on a regular basis. The Museum Blog Book aims to remedy this.

If you'd like to submit content, our deadline for receiving it is 11 January 2016. Alternatively, please forward this information to any colleagues who may be interested - we're keen to get a really wide range of experience into what will be a particularly interesting publication. 

Full details of this Call For Papers can be found at: http://bit.ly/MBBCFP

I hope you'll want to participate!

Graeme Farnell
Publisher, MuseumsEtc


MuseumsEtc Ltd 
UK: Hudson House | 8 Albany Street | Edinburgh EH1 3QB
USA: 675 Massachusetts Ave., Ste 11 | Cambridge | MA 02139

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