HOTEL incredibly low RATE ENDS FRIDAY 



DEADLINE is now    



MPMA's Discount Conference Rate ends September 5th


MPMA's GREAT Hotel Room Rates

Ends  September 5th  

Call the hotel at  970-923-8200   Ask for MPMA's Block


Conference Hotel: Snowmass Westin

Conference Dates: 9/28 - 10/2 


Roommate service  The match up has begun.  But you must contact Erin ASAP if you want a roommate.  Sure saves money if you can share a room.  Do book a room now; don't wait for this service.  You can always cancel it.  Rooms are almost gone, so don't wait. Contact Erin at  [log in to unmask]


Car pooling service:  Coming soon: Carpool Sign-up Genius.   Soon you can join a ride or get folks to help you pay for yours.  Details?  Contact Ruby at  [log in to unmask]   Sorry:  staff cannot pick you up at DIA.


Pecha Kucha Looking for Presenters    CALL OUT

Looking for a way to present at the MPMA conference?  The Architecture Enriching Experience pecha kucha style presentation still has some open spots for presenters.  This will be a lively and inspiring visual survey of the topic.  Each presenter will have 3 minutes to present an innovation in how architecture or exhibits are enriching audience / visitor engagement.  To get involved, contact Nina Murrell at 512-569-9665512-569-9665 or [log in to unmask]      


Five Keys to Exhibition Success 

Why do some exhibitions excel and others don't? What's the secret to success? How can you make your exhibition drive visitation and positive feedback? From examples and anecdotes gleaned from years of exhibition design and production experience, Andy Anway will provide practical advice on ways to create exhibitions that are memorable, remarkable and successful. He is the Founder of Amaze Design, in Boston, specializing in planning and design of museums, museum exhibits and visitor attractions.  A recent project was the Perot Museum of Nature and Science in Dallas.  You can still sign up for the NAME Breakfast to hear Andy.    



In February 2015, we'll have dozens of new members of Congress and we need to make a unified case about the value of museums.  You did it:  Earlier this summer, we saw Congressional committees vote to slash funding for NEA and NEH; cuts that were reversed after advocates like you sent nearly 1,000 letters to Congress. This is the power of our voice-if we use it.   Attend this session to learn how to use your voice.  It is more powerful than you know!!!!


C7 Advocacy is Not a Four Letter Word

By understanding the "why" behind advocacy, the "how" may seem less daunting. Get to know the positive side of being a museum advocate from a diverse group of museum professionals as they share their wisdom and insight on successful (or not!) advocacy campaigns.   Presenters:   Abigail Jones, Education Associate, Oklahoma Contemporary Arts Center, Oklahoma City, OK;  Michael Smith, Director/CEO, Nebraska State Historical Society, Lincoln, NE; Andrew Svedlow, Professor of Art, University of Northern Colorado, Greenly, CO

Can't wait to see you all in Aspen and Snowmass.  The leaves will be spectacular!  Waht a great time to see special colleagues.  This will be fun!!!

Monta Lee Dakin, Executive Director

MPMA: A Ten-state museum network

Colorado, Kansas, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas and Wyoming

Mark your calendar:
2014 MPMA Conference: September 28 - October 2 Snowmass/Aspen, Colorado
2015 MPMA Conference:  September 27 – October 1  Wichita, Kansas

Mountain-Plains Museums Association

7110 West David Drive
Littleton, Colorado 80128-5404


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